Monday, January 12, 2009

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Gestation is the major physiological strain to which women are subjected in the course of his life. However, often forgotten women's right to good nutrition, nutrition and health during this time.

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Learn how to maintain a proper diet during pregnancy.

folic acid, iron, calcium and vitamin C, among others, are essential in the diet of pregnant women, so they should be included daily. If the first three months of pregnancy, women do not eat a balanced way, affects the ability of the embryo to develop and survive, so same at the end of pregnancy may cause fetal growth retardation.

during pregnancy require extra calories a day and increased requirements for vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

If she ingests 400 micrograms daily of folic acid or vitamin B complex (tablets) three months before conception reduced 50 and 70 percent the risk of neural tube defects in the baby (spina bifida ) and about 50 percent probability of a spontaneous abortion during the first quarter. In its natural state, folic acid found in green leafy vegetables (like kale, spinach, broccoli), lentils and oranges. However, this message has not been the expected response in women of childbearing age, according to the March of Dimes. From there you have folate added to flour used for pasta, rice and bread to reduce the incidence of neural tube defects. Choline intake (vitamin that is synthesized in the liver and plays an important role in the metabolism of fats), preconception, also reduces the incidence of birth defects after conception increases the memory centers in the developing fetal brain. Egg yolks, lean meats and wheat germ contain this vitamin.

In the first quarter, as well as acid and choline, calcium is extremely vital for their participation in the formation of bones and teeth of the baby. In the second quarter, should increase iron intake. Your intake should be accompanied by foods rich in vitamin C (which is in orange, tangerine, strawberry and passion fruit, among others), which favors nutrient absorption and also prevents high blood pressure. In the third quarter, the fish, fiber and zinc are important. The seafood is beneficial for the baby, including a decreased risk of asthma. Fish contains omega-3 fatty acids necessary for brain development and vision of the fetus. Should not miss the fat, which play a key role, since it encourages the development of the baby's central nervous system, says nutritionist Adriana Amaya. Vitamin D is also important. A recent study found that low amounts of this nutrient in pregnancy affects the levels of bone mineral density of the small in his early childhood, because the vitamin is vital for bone growth. If you are not in sufficient quantities there is no way to fix the calcium it is obtained through sunlight. "All these are essential nutrients and food as the pregnant woman has had throughout his life, will deposit required for pregnancy, "said Amaya. Eating to prevent heartburn during pregnancy there are changes to the gastrointestinal tract. As the reflux is common, due to the contraction of the esophageal sphincter, which allows food to travel from the stomach into the esophagus and vice versa, this so-called heartburn or quemones. To reduce the discomfort they cause, their food split into five or six meals a day, do not mix liquids with solids in the same meal, avoid lying down after eating and keep at bay the intake of flour, because it produces more reflux. Adequate nutrition for vegetarian mothers can continue their diet during pregnancy. However, is important to eat the nutrients required from other sources for optimal development of your baby, and that vegetarianism can lead to a deficiency of vitamin B12, amino acids, iron and calcium, mainly.

Dairy products and eggs are sources of protein, vitamins and minerals, but if you have chosen to exclude from your diet all animal products, be sure to get nutrients from foods such as legumes (beans) and nuts. Soy milk is a nutritious option.

Try to include in their diet increased whole grains, fruits and vegetables and foods rich in vitamin C, which promotes the absorption of iron. Check with your doctor the use of a prenatal supplement.

Plan your menu with the basic nutrients

- Meat-Reasons for not eating: vegetarian-Benefits: contains protein, B vitamins, iron, phosphorus and zinc .- What to avoid: raw meat, little cooked or bad

- Eggs-Reasons for not eating: allergy to albumin (white), vegetarian-Benefits: proteins, vitamins A, E and D and choline (found in the bud) - What to avoid: raw eggs to avoid the risk of salmonellosis (infection caused by bacteria Salmonella)

- Dairy-Reasons for not eating: lactose intolerance or milk protein, vegetarian - Benefits: calcium and vitamin D, which helps prevent osteoporosis-What to avoid: unpasteurized dairy products.

- Fish-Reasons for not eating: allergy to proteins - Benefits: omega 3 and 6, are vital for brain development and vision of the feto-What to avoid: Raw or undercooked fish-

Note: A heavily pregnant woman should not increase, on average, more than 13 kilos.

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Diet Proper diet high in fat during pregnancy

Diet high-fat pregnancy obesity program on children.

Several studies suggest that in high-fat food choices in pregnancy predisposes children also prefer them after birth.

It is increasingly clear that we eat throughout the months of pregnancy has a direct impact on the health of our children. In this regard, an experiment with rats by researchers at Rockefeller University have discovered a fact that could be related to the large increase in obesity in recent years.

Exposure to a high-fat diet in utero causes changes in the baby's brain that stimulate appetite by raising the risk of suffering from obesity in early life.

Researchers have concluded that:

"The babies born to mothers who ate a high fat diet ate more, even after they removed this diet when they were born, weighed more throughout their lives and beginning before puberty those born to mothers taking the balanced diet for the same period of time. "

The study shows how diet affects the mother in a greater production of peptide-producing neurons in the offspring, which stimulates appetite and maintain this preference over a lifetime.

confirm the same brain mechanism humans can say that we are programming from pregnancy to our children to be obese.

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Frequently Asked Questions Introduction

Clear your doubts! Stay informed about what you should not eat during your pregnancy.

With different opinions from friends and family about what you can not eat, the advice they might give you cease to be in the moment you take some confusion about what foods are adecuados.A Here we answer some of these questions about nutrition during pregnancy.

"I can drink alcohol?

Everything in excess is harmful, and alcohol is no exception. Can decide whether or not to drink alcohol while pregnant should be guided by moderation and common sense. Numerous studies show that drinking alcohol every day can lead to serious complications such as an increased risk of abortion, problems during delivery, low birth weight baby, among many más.Por other hand, although not proven that drinking alcohol occasionally can harm the baby, experts recommend completely avoiding their interference during pregnancy, since it is not beneficial to the baby, it is not recommended. Keep in mind always that no alcoholic beverages better than others, all regardless of the amount consumed, contain the same dose of alcohol.

Should I reduce the salt I eat? The

Most of the relatives and friends recommended that pregnant women should not have salt to prevent swelling in feet and ankles. Know that the edema (swelling) is the result of water retention caused by hormonal activity. Pregnancy hormones can increase the amount of sodium lost in urine, therefore, do not overdo the salt, but also reduces you eat.

Is it dangerous to eat fish or seafood?

Fish is a source of nutrients and should eat at least twice a week. However, it is essential to stop eating fish or seafood, in addition to not eat swordfish, skate and needle, and reduce the consumption of tuna steak if is fresh or two cans a week. This type of fish usually contain high levels of "methyl mercury, a chemical that can damage the baby's nervous system.

as nuts if my baby will be allergic?

are advised not to eat nuts or peanuts during pregnancy or lactation, only those women with allergies or who have a strong family history of food allergies, and this because it may predispose the baby to be allergic to them . Women without such histories, do not need to eliminate peanuts or nuts in their diets.

And remember! It is essential that you take care of your diet, under the supervision of your doctor.

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pregnancy infant infant physiological characteristics

The first year of life, from the nutritional point of view, critical because growth and development are the fastest in the life cycle and the baby is more immature and vulnerable to what will be ever. Do not forget that babies have to double birth weight at four months and tripling every year, so it is especially important to ensure sufficient and adequate food, with three main objectives to meet their nutritional needs, preventing and / or treat various pathological conditions and create appropriate eating habits.

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supply indications during the first year should consider not only the nutritional requirements of this age but also the characteristics of maturation and development of the neuromuscular, gastrointestinal, renal and immune systems, so as to establish a transition gradually from breast-feeding to the usual mixed diet of older children and adults.
must be remembered that although the case of a newborn with a weight and height and appropriate psychological level, the body has limitations and is not fully developed. Also, is the fact that, as a result of the rapid pace growth, nutritional needs at this stage are very high. The limitations of the body healthy but under development are:

digestive system. The infant is immature kidneys increase in size and functionality in the first weeks of life. These bodies double their weight by six months and triple it by the year of age. Renal function is optimal when food provides plenty of water and a low renal solute load (dissolved substances in liquid mineral salts, glucose, ...), such as breast milk. However, the intake of cow's milk or infant formula in the ill-prepared first months of life as well as vomiting and / or persistent diarrhea affect renal function.

The infant stomach capacity increases from 10 to 20 ml at birth to 200 the first year, allowing you to eat larger meals and less frequent. Emptying rate is relatively slow, depending on the volume and composition of food.

The pancreas does not secret or secret low levels of certain enzymes needed to complete the digestive process. The liver is also finalizing the maturation of many functions, including the ability to form glucose, bile acid synthesis (needed for digestion of fats, etc.).

The carbohydrate digestion occurs mainly in the small intestine. The newborn has enzymes that allow you to properly digest simple sugars such as lactose (milk sugar), sucrose (table sugar) and some oligosaccharides, but has low levels of salivary amylase and only 10% of the activity amylase which limits the ability to digest complex carbohydrates (flour, cereals) before three or four months.

digestion and absorption of proteins function efficiently in newborns and infants, however, avoid excessive intake because it implies an overstrain renal consequences. The ability to absorb protein in early allows the passage of immunoglobulins (antibodies passed from mother to baby) mother's milk, but if you incorporate foreign proteins (cow's milk, bread ...) with increasing the antigenicity risk of developing food allergies (see below: reading: Prevention of food allergies).

digestion and absorption of fats are deficient in the newborn and premature because the activity of pancreatic enzymes and the amount of bile salts are insufficient. This low activity is compensated by a specific lipase especially contained in breast milk that is activated when the duodenum (part of the small intestine near the stomach), which does not occur when breast milk is replaced by milk formula.

renal system. Usually based on rice, pasta, vegetables with potatoes, mashed vegetables. The nutritional value of the first course is the energy contribution mainly from complex carbohydrates. It is important to introduce kids to take it because the energy needs are the first to be covered if they are to meet food proteins in the body function form tissues and encourage growth. If this does not take into account The body uses proteins to meet its energy needs and will be holding an unbalanced diet.

nervous system. After the birth is still developing. During the first four months, the brain increases its volume at a rate of two grams per day.

immune system. The baby will not by itself produce antibodies that protect against infection and contamination until the fourth or sixth week of life. Therefore it is important breast milk, which transferred immunoglobulins unlike infant formula adapted.

digestion and absorption of fat is deficient in newborn and premature because the activity of pancreatic enzymes and the amount of bile salts are insufficient. This low activity is compensated by a specific lipase especially contained in breast milk that is activated when the duodenum (part of the small intestine near the stomach), which does not occur when breast milk is replaced by milk formula.

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Rate of growth and development

Certain anthropometric parameters and serve as guide to understand why nutritional needs at this stage are proportionately so much higher than those of the adult.

Weight: The weight at birth is determined by the mother's weight before pregnancy, pregnancy duration and weight gain during the same, ranging between 2.5 and 3.5 kilos.

During the first year of life, birth weight triples. The estimated minimum weighted gain of about 24 grams per day, ie, 1 gram / hour early. In absolute weight gains are 7 kilos in the first year and 2.5 kilos the second. It is normal to lose the baby weight in the first days of life, which recovers between 8 and 12 days.

Size: Passes of 45-50 centimeters (cm) at birth to 75-80 cm per year life (approximately 25 cm), which means an increase of 50% compared to birth size. In the second year only adds about 15-25 cm, and after about 7-10 cm per year.

Teething : It usually starts about 6-8 months. If teething is late and there are no problems with bone growth, may be a family genetic trait.

Psychomotor Development: Towards the 12-14 months the child can start up and interact with the environment.

Development senses: Food plays an important role in the development taste, smell, sight and even touch and hearing.

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Infant Feeding in the first year of life

nutritional guidelines for this age group are marked by technical reports and recommendations of the Organization of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the Nutrition Committee of the European Academy of Pediatrics and the Nutrition Committee of the European Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition (ESPGAN), and adapt to three distinct stages:

dairy Period. As the only food milk, human milk is artificial. From birth to 4-6 months. During this period, the infant is able to suck and swallow, but has not yet developed the ability to digest certain proteins and their kidneys are not fully developed.

transition period, weaning or BEIKOST . The minimum age to start Beikost is from the fifth or sixth month of life. During this period they are introduced carefully nondairy, adequately prepared, consistent and quantity, not to alter the rate of gastrointestinal and renal maturation and progressive neuromuscular development.

digestive maturation period. Power must be adapted to the capacity digestive and physiological state of development, with gradual introduction of new foods.


Both mother and baby acquired in the hospital where he was born a certain feed rate. However, this may not be that the infant will feel like in nature, which during the first week at home, the mother usually meet demands that it had in the hospital and will lead you to change the hours that should give him nurse, the length of the shot and even how it should be.

At birth, the child is ready to receive liquid food, which she did with the help of sucking and swallowing reflexes that allow the extraction of milk and its passage into the stomach.

However, semisolid or solid foods are rejected by the thrust of the tongue or extrusion reflex, which disappears between four and six months, enabling the start of supplementary feeding.
About seven or eight months are beginning to appear rhythmic chewing movements, which together with the appearance of the first teeth allows the gradual incorporation of food semisolid and the increasing involvement of children in the act of eating. Between nine and twelve months takes little food and begins to feed itself. Thus he shows ability to take food by the mouth alone but is unable to eat by itself to at least two years of age, that time when the vision is fully established, allowing a complete oculomotor coordination.

During this time period should encourage the development of the senses so that you can pass suction bucket, which will taste better, and change the texture, grinding fluid, and when I have cutting teeth.

From the second half, eating is essential to teach in the broadest sense, from chewing up the acquisition of correct eating habits.

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is a mistake ... Food Allergies Food


The baby has a need for sodium lower than those of adults. There is no need to add salt, as the baby meets the needs of the mineral through the sodium content of foods naturally. On the other hand, the child gets used to accept the dishes with this degree of palatability low salt, consequently reducing the intake of it along the life. Proper education
palate from infancy, enhancing the taste of food itself, avoid the difficult changes in habits that are forced those who need to reduce the amount of salt in your diet. SUGAR ABUSE

accustom the child to eat dairy products and sauces in their natural state, without added sweeteners. The frequent introduction of sucrose (table sugar) begins to accustom the child to sweet foods, the sugar being one of the agents responsible for the development of dental caries, in addition to the danger of nutritional imbalance which involves the frequency of intake of sweetened foods that displace other more nutritious.

is very common for infants and children receiving sugar water or fruit juice at bedtime develop a type of dental caries affecting the maxillary anterior teeth and, sometimes, lower posterior.


The infant has very high water requirements per kilogram of body weight, because the skin thickness is less, which are higher transpiration losses. The baby has not fully developed the ability to produce concentrated urine, so you need more water to dissolve substances that are excreted in urine in case of an adult.

The water needed by the infant comes from that contained in breast milk or formula. However, when other circumstances such as high temperature, excessive heat, fever, diarrhea, if food is too thick, and so on., Must provide water as such, not at risk of dehydration. Familiarize your child to drink plain water, sugar, or unsweetened fruit juice.

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most problematic


food allergy occurs when the immune system reacts to a particular substance (allergen) that is well tolerated by most people. The allergen is mainly a protein of a food with which the contacts affected by ingestion, or inhalation. The most common reaction is the formation of IgE antibodies (immunoglobulin E)

The process is as follows: The first time you eat the food that causes allergy, the body produces IgE directed against a protein of that product; the second time, the antibodies react against food by stimulating the production of histamine and other chemicals (called mediators) that cause allergy symptoms, hives, eczema, angioedema (swollen lips, fingers, hands, feet, etc.), dermatitis atopic and anaphylactic shock-rare-if the allergic reaction affects several organs, and can compromise the health of the baby.

clinical manifestations of allergy can have an acute onset in the first six months of life, with severe diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain, fever., Or a late onset disease with growth retardation (weight and height), bulky stools, abdominal distension and signs of malnutrition and iron deficiency anemia (due to poor absorption of iron).

50% of food allergy develops in the first year of life
feeding the child in its first year of life is crucial to enhance your body's natural defenses against food allergens. Allergy experts agree that breast feeding should continue, at least in this first year and delay the introduction of potentially allergenic foods as those containing gluten (wheat porridge, oats, barley or rye), cow's milk, eggs, fish and soy until after 12 months of age, especially when there are family genetic backgrounds predispose them to allergies.
susceptibility to one or the other food also varies by age

In the first year of life, the greatest threats tend to focus on milk, eggs, fish and cereals.

In the second, the most troublesome foods include fruits (especially the rose, peach and apricot) and citrus. In the third year of age, they become part of the list of fish and nuts (peanut, hazelnut, walnut and almond).
The duration of these boxes throughout life is also variable. In the first year of life, milk allergy, for example, is usually transient, resolving at 18-24 months. In contrast, egg allergy usually lasts 10 to 15 years or a lifetime. Hypersensitivity to nuts and fish also is durable.

Moreover, in a report published by the Bulletin of the European Food Information Council (EUFIC), warn that food allergies vary from local complementary foods: For example, the reactions to rice are more frequent in Japan in Europe, and what were the reactions to peanuts in the U.S., until its recent rise in Europe.

Dietary treatment of these allergies is the most effective is to remove food allergies. This will get you within a few years the immune system to normal, and in many cases, the child just tolerate foods that produce allergies.
However, in many cases the elimination diet may pose problems since allergenic substances are not listed on labels (food withheld). There are no clear rules about it and some foods or substances when found in low proportions are not included in the labeling.

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cow's milk, is produced by a rejection of milk proteins, and is manifested by skin symptoms (eczema, urticaria), gastrointestinal (flatulence, diarrhea) and respiratory (asthma). Once the diagnosis is the only truly effective treatment is a strict dietary elimination of these proteins, as small amounts, but not produce symptoms, they may favor the persistence or increased awareness. As a replacement, there are other formulas with intact protein source (soybean) and extensively hydrolyzed formulas. Partially hydrolyzed formulas should never be used in the treatment of allergy to milk, as a percentage of their proteins can preserve their allergenic power. The prognosis of allergy to milk proteins is favorable, sending most of the cases before 3 years of evolution. Sometimes this allergy is not diagnosed, and encourages other food allergies.

Egg: The proteins in egg whites are the most problematic. Atopic dermatitis and asthma are common manifestations of egg allergy. This allergy usually occurs before age 2 and go from 2 to 5 years after onset. The only treatment is to avoid drinking alcohol. Keep in mind that there are many products that may contain components of the egg, and not always be indicated on labels.

ripened cheeses: Milk proteins they contain can cause allergy. Also lysozyme, a protein egg that is used in the manufacture of some cheeses cause allergy. Amines containing cheeses, such as tyramine and histamine, promote allergic reactions.

Seafood: Your own proteins, histamine is formed by decomposing (highly antigenic protein) and the parasite Anisakis simplex can cause allergic reactions in raising more durable and can last decades or even lifetime.

Spices: They can cause contact allergy, inhalation of dust off and swallowed.

Nuts: Can cause allergies especially in children, occurring with eczema, so its use should be deferred until after the year of age.

Fruits: Kiwi, papaya, avocado, banana, strawberries, raspberries, currants are the most common fruits that have been identified as a cause of allergy.


Speaking of food allergy, be borne in mind that families provide food "allergies" that can cause allergic reactions in sensitive individuals . Ie a child who is allergic to cow's milk has a greater awareness of beef and veal, ox ..., who is allergic to chocolate, it can be to cocoa and cola. In the family of peas are also included peanuts, dried beans, licorice and gum tragacanth (E-413). A family owned rose strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries and other varieties of raspberry.

new allergens

are continually discovering new allergens. For example, Anisakis simplex is a parasite that contaminates various fish. Only if the parasite is taken alive by consuming raw or undercooked fish can cause an allergic reaction. Is destroyed by freezing and cooking.

additives responsible for the greatest number of cases of allergy are certain dyes, preservatives and antioxidants. Although always be ruled out an allergic reaction to drugs, when a patient, usually a child, has mild rash or more after ingestion of different composition syrups, most likely in the case of an allergic reaction to food additives, dyes or flavorings, syrups. This kind of additives reactions almost never occurs in the first shots, but as treatment progresses and the bottle will end. This is because these reactions are dose-dependent, that is displayed when the greater the amount taken from the syrup with additives (eg, strawberry syrup, banana ...).


• If you believe a food allergy causes the child, talk to your doctor and do not make experiments to confirm.
• If you know what food or foods your child is allergic, avoid that burn. • Check
Ingredients found on product labels (if the baby is allergic to eggs, for example, has to avoid ingredients such as albumin, lysozyme, lecithin do not specify that it is soy).
• Put others aware of the status of your child (teachers, caregivers, etc.).. • When the child
eating out, ask for the food ingredients. If there is any doubt about what's on your plate, you should not eat it.