January is one of those months where the traders make more money. From discount apparel to the offers of miracle diets. It is not uncommon to see street ads, magazines, newspapers and the Internet, diets " lose weight," thin these kilos "," do not exercise "," effortlessly, "among others. People often get carried away by the kilos increased in December.
What some people do not know is that with the lightning diets may run the risk of producing side effects in the body. Such as cardiovascular problems and changes in the metabolism . Many times people in their efforts to lose weight tend to increase, because the metabolism is not accustomed to such sudden changes in food and tends to be slow.
disease risk is higher when the patient has a history of diabetes, hypertension and heart problems. It is advisable to follow the diet of a friend, coworker or neighbor because every body is different. Not all behave the same and not all have the same needs.
is understandable that people want to innovate to dieting. But there is nothing better than the balanced diet , with all food groups, spread over 5 meals a day. Besides eating at least eight glasses of water and an exercise routine.
remember that no diet should be started without a medical evaluation and treatment from a nutritionist. Dieting is not to eliminate the food, but change the quantity, cooking method and maintain the balance between them. Only must delete those that harm the health condition of diseases such as diabetes.
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