Saturday, April 22, 2006

How Do I Know When A Guy Is Crusing

Recommendations for maintaining good cholesterol

is advisable to reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood, so that the odds of developing heart disease are lower. The main thing is to change the daily diet, in addition to combat excess weight and exercise. It is necessary to follow the following recommendations:

• Eat natural foods and avoiding artificial.
• Eat low-fat animal.
• Evitar las vísceras y los embutidos (chorizo, salchichas).
• Consumir carne magra de pavo, pollo y pescado.
• Evitar el consumo excesivo de la yema de huevo.
• Consumir leche desnatada y queso fresco o desnatado (requesón).
• Ingerir pan integral
• Evitar el azúcar refinado.
• Disminuir la sal en las comidas.
• Consume vegetales y frutas.

Además se aconseja combatir el sobrepeso y mantenerse en forma, aumentando la actividad física.


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