Monday, April 24, 2006

Carefree Journeys Complaints

The truth about cholesterol

Most people connect the cholesterol with fats, especially diseases associated with the heart and arteries. What we know is that cholesterol is essential for the functioning of our body. Since it is a lipid precursor of bile salts, hormones and vitamin D3.

cholesterol combines with
lipoprotein , which is transported along with triglycerides in the blood. The amount that flows next to the lipoprotein HDL (high density) prevents cholesterol from accumulating in arteries and therefore is called good and that makes it next to the LDL (low density) is appointed bad cholesterol because it can clog arteries.

One of the main causes of bad cholesterol is increased consumption of animal protein, in overweight and sedentary lifestyles, so it is advisable to maintain a balanced diet and healthy, and a moderate physical activity. It is recommended that total cholesterol levels are less than 200 mg / dL. Bad or LDL cholesterol is recommended to be below 160 mg / dL. The HDL cholesterol should be maintained at 60 mg / dL or more.

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Saturday, April 22, 2006

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Recommendations for maintaining good cholesterol

is advisable to reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood, so that the odds of developing heart disease are lower. The main thing is to change the daily diet, in addition to combat excess weight and exercise. It is necessary to follow the following recommendations:

• Eat natural foods and avoiding artificial.
• Eat low-fat animal.
• Evitar las vísceras y los embutidos (chorizo, salchichas).
• Consumir carne magra de pavo, pollo y pescado.
• Evitar el consumo excesivo de la yema de huevo.
• Consumir leche desnatada y queso fresco o desnatado (requesón).
• Ingerir pan integral
• Evitar el azúcar refinado.
• Disminuir la sal en las comidas.
• Consume vegetales y frutas.

Además se aconseja combatir el sobrepeso y mantenerse en forma, aumentando la actividad física.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Hartford Disability Problems

Hatha yoga: the yoga of activity

El hatha yoga is a style of yoga. Once used for teachers (yogis) could get the quietude, strength, control and concentration needed in the practice of meditation. Today anyone can do these exercises. Make

yoga regularly helps to maintain not only physical, but emotional and mental wellbeing. Yoga means attached, as the mind and body need to be one. The hatha yoga is to combine physical postures (asanas) with breathing exercises (pranayama) and meditation (dhyana) to achieve in this way the balance between body, mind and spirit.

Among the most striking features of yoga is that it is a preventive and therapeutic practice. For example placing the body upside down continuously supplies blood to the places they need more oxygen and nutrition. In addition, yoga can correct imbalances caused by poor posture, as it achieves positive results and avoid possible injuries.


Source: Latin