Thursday, December 9, 2010

After Effects After Your Cherrys Popped

Teeth damaged?

Algunos dientes sufren golpes o fracturas, por lo que debes de tomar decisiones rápidas si sufres algún traumatismo.

¿Cómo sé si necesito un tratamiento?

Al igual que con cualquier traumatismo bucal, debe consultar a su odontólogo de inmediato para determinar si es necesario realizar un tratamiento. Su dentist will examine the affected area and take some radiographs.

If you feel pain from a broken tooth, cracked or chipped, take a nonprescription pain reliever.
If you lost a tooth in an accident, take it to your dentist as soon as possible. Probably, the tooth can be placed back into the mouth using a procedure called reimplantation.

Dentist Treat:

chipped teeth, depending on the size of the lesion, the dentist will fix it. If a filling or artificial tooth is chipped, it should be replaced.

Broken teeth or broken should be repaired as soon as possible to avoid damage. Sometimes it will be necessary to perform a root canal or tooth extraction. Note that the cracks are not always visible, even on the radiographs. The symptoms are usually pain and tenderness, with time, these symptoms are severe.

teeth knocked out accidents: to reinsert a tooth to be successfully reimplanted in the socket as soon as possible. Pick up the tooth by the crown and not let it dry by placing it in water or milk. The redeployment within the first 30 minutes offers the best chance of success, they remain for up to two hours later. It may be necessary to give treatment root canal.

Missing teeth: they must be replaced. Thus, avoid difficulties in chewing and speech, change in position of the remaining teeth, temporomandibular joint disorders (TMJ) and the consequent weakening of the jawbone. The options for replacing missing teeth include bridges, dentures and implants. Broken jaw

: If you suspect someone has a broken jaw, do not move. Secure the jaw in place with a handkerchief, necktie or towel tied around it and on the head. Go directly to the emergency room of a hospital or call your Dentist Dental Perfect


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