Monday, January 31, 2011

How Long Does Pressure Canning Last

Why are Teeth Removed?

Teeth are extracted for various reasons:

  • Decay has reached deep into the tooth.
  • Infection has destroyed a large portion the tooth or surrounding bone.
  • In the mouth there is not enough space for all teeth.

Many dentists recommend extracting impacted teeth that are only partially erupted. Bacteria can enter around teeth and cause infection, which can spread to the bone and become a serious disorder.

Impacted teeth continue trying to break through the gum tissue, the continued pressure caused can eventually damage the roots of adjacent teeth. The extraction of an impacted tooth can often prevent infections and damage to adjacent teeth and bone, and save pain in the future.

How are Teeth Removed?

Before removing a tooth, the dentist will thoroughly review your medical and dental history, and take appropriate radiographs.

X-rays reveal the length, shape, position of tooth and surrounding bone. With this information, your dentist can estimate the degree of difficulty of the procedure and decide if you need a specialist called an oral surgeon.

Before the extraction, it will numb the area around the tooth. It uses a local anesthetic to numb the area where you perform the extraction.

a simple extraction, once the area is anesthetized, the tooth is loosened with the help of a tool called an elevator and then extracted with dental forceps. You may want to flatten and reshape the underlying bone. Once finished, decide whether to close the area with a stitch.

What should I expect after an extraction?

is essential to keep the area clean and prevent infection after tooth extraction. Your dentist will ask you to bite a piece of sterile gauze, which should stand for 30 minutes to reduce bleeding. For the next 24 hours, you should not smoke or rinse thoroughly. Hopefully some degree of pain and discomfort following an extraction. The dentist will prescribe a pain reliever. Applying ice to the face during periods of 15 minutes can relieve discomfort. You should also limit strenuous activity and avoid hot liquids. Under normal circumstances, discomfort should lessen within three days and two weeks after the extraction. If you have prolonged or severe pain, swelling, bleeding or fever, call your dentist.

If you need to consult an expert in we can help.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

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Temporomandibular Disorder: Signs and Symptoms

is TMJ?

The temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ), occurs when the hinge connecting the upper and lower jaw is not working properly. This hinge is one of the most complex joints in the body, is responsible for opening and move the lower jaw forward, backward and side to side.

All the problems that impede the normal work of this complex system of muscles, ligaments, discs and bones, are grouped under the term TMJ. Often, TMJ feels like your jaw jump or shine or gets stuck for a few seconds. It is often impossible to determine the exact cause of this misalignment.

What are the symptoms of TMJ?

ATM Alterations in a variety of symptoms and signs. It's hard to know if you suffer from TMJ or not, because its symptoms are also indicators of other problems.

Your dentist will make a proper diagnosis through their complete medical and dental history, clinical examination and appropriate X-rays taken. Symptoms of TMJ most common are:

  • Headaches, earaches, and pain and pressure below the eyes.
  • A clicking or snapping when you open or close the mouth.
  • pain brought on by yawning, opening the mouth widely or chewing
  • Jaws that "get stuck," lock or go out of place.
  • Tenderness of the jaw muscles.
  • Change in the way the upper and lower teeth fit together.

The TMJ occurs when the joint complex that makes "hinge" between the upper and lower jaw does not work correctly.

How is TMJ?

While there single cure for TMJ, there are different treatments that reduce symptoms continue. Your dentist can suggest the following:

Trying to eliminate muscle spasm and pain by applying moist heat or taking medication muscle-relaxants, analgesics or anti-inflammatory drugs.

Use a device called occlusal guard to reduce the harmful effects of clenching. Tailor-made for your mouth, the appliance slips over the upper teeth and keeps them from grinding against the lower.

Learn relaxation techniques to control muscle tension. Your dentist may suggest consulting with a specialist to eliminate stress.

When the jaw joints are affected and other treatments have been unsuccessful, surgery is recommended.

Visit our website and schedule your appointment if you suffer from this or any other discomfort related to your mouth:

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

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What is a Root Canal Treatment?

What is a Root Canal?

is the treatment that involves removing the pulp of the tooth, a small tissue, which is located in the center of the tooth. Once the pulp is diseased or damaged, is removed, the remaining space is cleaned, reshaped and filled. This procedure sealing the root canal. At present, the root canal treatment saves teeth that would otherwise have been lost.

The most common causes of injury or death of the pulp are

fractured teeth.
deep caries.
injuries as severe blows at the root (recent or past).

When the pulp dies, it creates pus on the tip of the root and an abscess due to infection that can destroy the bone surrounding the tooth and cause pain.

How is root canal treatment?

First, it makes a hole in the damaged tooth. After removing
the diseased pulp (pulpectomy), cleans and shapes the pulp chamber and root canals for, then fill. In treatments that claim more than one visit, is restored on a temporary basis to protect the tooth until the next visit.

In the next visit, material is removed temporarily and permanently restored by inserting a material called gutta-percha in each of the tubes and sealed into place with cement.

The final step is to place a crown on the tooth to restore its natural shape and appearance.
This is done in permanent teeth, as in the case of the primary dentition, the tube is filled with a resorbable material. Dental pulp

damaged by a deep cavity. The pulp is removed and cleaned the root canals. The chamber is filled and sealed.

How long will the restored tooth as well?

can last a lifetime if cared for properly. Treated teeth can also suffer from tooth decay, is essential to practice good oral hygiene and seek regular dental examinations to prevent future problems.

These teeth become brittle and more prone to fracture. It is important to decide to place a crown after root canal treatment.

To determine the success of root canal treatment, the most reliable method is to compare the new radiographs with those taken before treatment. This comparison will determine whether bone loss continues or if the bone is regenerating.

Learn more about the treatments we put at your disposal at:

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Will Valtrex Stop A 2nd Outbreak

Dental Problems Associated with HIV / AIDS (Part 2)

Measures for preventing AIDS in dental offices and clinics.

Routine dental care involves exposure to saliva and blood, hence the possibility of exposure to HIV infection. The personnel working in Perfect Dental, adopts the following with all patients.

  • Use protective barriers such as gowns, masks, goggles, and gloves during all tests performed.
  • gloves and disposable materials are used only once.
  • All equipment is properly sterilized.
  • security measures for each of our guests is of paramount importance and are highly maintained. Sterilization

In Perfect Dental used the largest amount of disposable devices. We autoclaves, sterilizers that are more advanced and safer in terms of elimination of infectious agents.

handpieces and surfaces in contact with blood or saliva are disinfected between each patient. Needles and sharps are disposed of in special containers. All waste material is placed in plastic bags, which are handled according to the health sector regulations that govern us. Print

molds taken of your mouth Perfect Dental iodine solutions are disinfected before the model is poured with plaster. Dental treatment

The risk of contracting or spreading HIV infection through the Perfect Dental treatment is zero. On the other hand, the refusal to provide dental treatment in other dental known carriers of HIV infection only encourages patients to lie about their medical history. All patients, whether they are asymptomatic carriers of HIV infection or symptomatic, should have access to dental treatment.

"I can get HIV in the dentist's office?

Due to the nature of dental treatment, many people fear HIV. There are universal precautions that are used between patients is to prevent transmission of HIV and other infectious diseases.

How is HIV / AIDS?

Currently, there are medical treatments reduce the rate at which HIV weakens the immune system. There are other treatments that prevent or treat certain diseases related to AIDS. Early detection offers more options for treatment.

If these issues as restless and feel fear, feel free to ask anything you want about health and safety through the page. Web

Monday, January 17, 2011

Womens Elbow Patch Blazer

Dental problems associated with HIV (Part One)

What is AIDS?

AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) is a disease caused by a virus (HIV) which causes the destruction of the immune system from whom purchased.

Immune: immune system is to protect the body against infections.
deficiency: the immune system normally does not work to provide protection.
Acquired: It is an inherited disease, but it is acquired.

How do people get AIDS?

There are three basic modes of HIV transmission: sexual transmission, parenteral, by sharing needles or syringes, blood transfusion, etc., And or vertical transmission from mother to fetus.

How do I know if I have HIV / AIDS?

mouth and gum problems bleeding, oral herpes lesions and fungal infections are among the first signs of AIDS. However, you should not assume they are infected if you have any of these symptoms as these occur in people without the disease. The only way to determine if you are infected is to undergo a screening test for HIV. Consult professional Perfect Dental health in case of doubts.

The following may be warning signs of HIV infection:
  • rapid weight loss, up to 10 to 15% by weight in a month.
  • extreme weakness, fatigue and chronic fatigue unexplained.
  • Recurring fever or night sweats intense.
  • Swollen lymph nodes in the armpits, groin or neck.
  • Diarrhea that lasts for more than a week.
  • skin infections, herpes, or fungal infection white spots or unusual blemishes on the tongue, mouth or throat, problems with gingivitis, ulcers or candidiasis.
  • cough and respiratory infections that cause tuberculosis or pneumonia. Hypersensitivity
  • somewhere in the body, involuntary movements, seizures, or total lack of sensitivity and inability to move.
  • memory loss, depression u otros trastornos neurológicos.

¿Cómo prevenir el VIH/SIDA?

La transmisión del VIH puede ocurrir también cuando la sangre, el semen, los fluidos vaginales o la lecha materna de una persona infectada ingresa a su cuerpo. El mejor modo de prevenir el VIH es evitar las actividades que permiten que el virus ingrese a nuestro cuerpo.

Si desea mayor información sobre prevención y atención dental con pacientes con VIH/SIDA, consúltenos en la página

Thursday, January 13, 2011

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Bruxism: When you grind your teeth

¿Qué es el bruxismo?

The term "bruxism" refers to the grinding and pressure on the teeth. Bruxism occurs when the teeth come into contact with each other strongly, this may be silent, or cause a loud noise, especially during sleep.

Bruxism can cause teeth to become painful or loose, and sometimes to fall apart and have destroyed the bone supporting the tooth and cause joint problems, such as the so-called temporomandibular joint syndrome (pain and changes in the area where jaw articulates with the skull)

How do I know if I have bruxism?

For most people, bruxism is an unconscious habit. If you wake up with sore jaw muscles or headaches, or even in the hands, may be suffering from bruxism. You can find the visit you make to Dental Perfect, because their teeth are worn or fractured enamel.

Bruxism may show signs such as facial pain, head and neck, we can diagnose and determine the cause of this pain is bruxism.

Why does this happen?

Many people think that bruxism is due to problems with amoebas, worms or worms in the stomach, but it has nothing to do with it, can only occur due to stress.

How is bruxism?

Proper treatment depends on knowing what is causing the stress. With specific questions and examination, your dentist will determine the potential cause of bruxism and according to tooth damage and its cause, may suggest to use a mouthguard while sleeping.

You must find ways to relax such as listening to music, reading, walking or taking a bath, exercise, practice yoga. To counteract stress.

If your bruxism is more severe, medication may be recommended by prescription to help you relax or sleep more soundly.

In Perfect Dental can work with you to find the cause and solution to alleviate this problem. Concerta your appointment:

Monday, January 10, 2011

Can Yankee Candle Wax Be Used In A Scentsy?

Do you suffer from dry mouth?

What is Dry Mouth?

Dry mouth means you do not have enough saliva to keep your mouth moist. All, once we have a dry mouth, especially if you're nervous, upset or stressed. However, if you have a dry mouth most of the time, it is uncomfortable and can bring health problems or indicate the existence of another medical condition; which occur because the function of the saliva is not just keep your mouth moist.

Saliva aids digestion, prevents tooth decay, controls bacteria in the mouth and facilitates chewing and swallowing. There are several reasons that the glands that produce saliva may not be working, as

Side effect of medicines, like antihistamines, decongestants, analgesics, diuretics and blood pressure medications and depression.
diseases: diabetes, Hodgkin's disease and Parkinson's, AIDS and Sjögren syndrome affecting the salivary glands. Radiation therapy
X: during cancer treatment with X-rays can damage salivary glands to radiation of the head and neck. The loss of saliva can be total or partial, permanent or temporary
Chemotherapy drugs used to treat cancer can make saliva thicker, causing dry mouth.
Menopause: Hormonal changes affect the salivary glands.
Smoking: a large number of smokers experience dry mouth.

How do I know if I have dry mouth?

The symptoms of dry mouth include:
  • Feeling dry and pasty mouth sensation
  • of burning tongue sensation
  • dry throat Lips
  • parties or sores in the mouth
  • Reduced ability to taste or metallic taste in the mouth
  • Frequent bad breath Difficulty chewing, swallowing and talk
How is dry mouth?

The only way is by addressing their causes. If due to medication, your doctor will consider the solution. If your salivary glands do not function properly, your doctor will prescribe a medicine that helps the glands work better.

If the cause can not be eliminated, moisture of the mouth may be recovered in different ways.

Your dentist may recommend mouth moisturizers use as a substitute for saliva. Mouthwashes specially formulated to provide relief of dry mouth.

Also, consider these suggestions:

  • Take frequent water or sugarless drinks, avoid coffee, tea and soft drinks.
  • Chew sugarless gum to stimulate saliva flow.
  • not smoke or drink alcohol because they cause dry mouth. The
  • spicy or salty foods can cause dry mouth pain.
  • At night, use humidifiers.
Go with Perfect Dental experts and request an assessment:

Thursday, January 6, 2011

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LOCAL DESIGN: OPI Nail Bar Interview

From all the interior design team, we wish you a Happy New Year 2011 and give them a warm welcome to our site. I hope you had a happy holiday and that the future will save a lot of joy, peace and prosperity in all your projects.

launch this year with a wonderful project designer Vera Medrano. OPI Nail Bar is a new proposal from the famed marketer of cosmetics, Sebastian del Caribe, SA Desiring to do something completely new in the market with their brands, they requested assistance and experience of Vera Medrano to achieve a comfortable, relaxed and aesthetically pleasing.

The main functions of the OPI Nail Bar is the arrangement of nails (both manicure and pedicure) and, of course, the trademark IPO. "As a concept used the idea of \u200b\u200ba bar, hence the name OPI Nail Bar is a new concept, as you are fixing may serve a cocktail, a cappuccino or gourmet sandwiches," says Vera.

With a contemporary style with minimal features, and implementation of two main colors, white and red, got a single space, organic lines, which blend seamlessly the concepts of bar and spa.

"The key elements of this design are the red bar that zoning space, wallpaper, display exhibiting enamel and using and selling products, and sinks and faucets and footrest. " designer appointment. "The sofas were custom made in Aurora, display shelf and furniture polish were made RAMCO, fittings and sinks are International Hydraulic (hydrase) and the rest of the furniture was purchased at various stores in the country. "

neutral and metallic shades in furniture and accessories, serve as the perfect complement to the main colors.

Paper floral wallpaper in various shades of cream adds a sophisticated touch fememino and golden lamps, a subtle flash of glamor.

Asked as adapted his style to the needs of the client tells Vera that was really easy, because their customers wanted a design clean and elegant interior and its tendency is to create spaces and clean style.

confess that we love the concept of the OPI Nail Bar designer Vera Medrano achieved an elegant and beautiful, perfectly functional for the needs of the public wishing to make your beauty routine it fun and relaxing.

OPI Nail Bar
Av Abraham Lincoln esq. Gustavo Mejía Ricart
Andalucia Plaza, 1st level
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

Photos: fotografik

15 Invitations Mascarade

What is plaque? Tooth Extraction


Congratulations to the little kids if they received sweets, it is important that parents explain to them the importance of brushing teeth to fight plaque.

The plaque is a sticky, colorless film composed of bacteria and sugars that constantly forms and paste on our teeth. It is the main cause of cavities and gum disease and can harden into tartar if not removed daily.

How do I know if I have a plate?

Everyone develops plaque bacteria are constantly forming in our mouth. To grow and develop, the bacteria use ingredients found in our diet and saliva. Plaque causes cavities when the acids, they attack teeth after eating. With repeated acid attacks destroy tooth enamel and cause cavities. Also, if plaque is not removed properly irritate the gums around the teeth and leads to gingivitis (bleeding gums, swollen and red), periodontal disease (disease of the supporting tissues tooth) and even tooth loss.

How can I prevent plaque?

With proper care, it is easier to prevent the excessive formation of plaque. It is important to observe the following care:
  • Brush thoroughly at least three times a day to remove plaque from the tooth surface.
  • Floss daily to remove plaque from between teeth and below the gumline, where a toothbrush can not reach.
  • Use mouthwash twice a day before or after brushing.
  • Limit starches and sugar, especially sticky foods.
  • Set a schedule for regular dental visits for professional cleanings and dental examinations.
Regardless of your age, visit your dentist regularly. Call or make an appointment at our website:

Monday, January 3, 2011

Does Herpes Get Worse With Medicine

Teeth are extracted for various reasons:

  • Decay has reached deep into the tooth.
  • Infection has destroyed a portion of the tooth or surrounding bone.
  • In the mouth there is not enough space for all teeth.

Many dentists recommend extracting impacted teeth that are only partially erupted. Bacteria can enter around teeth and cause infection, which can spread to the bone and become a serious disorder. Impacted teeth continue trying to break through the gum tissue, the continued pressure caused can eventually damage the roots of adjacent teeth. The extraction of an impacted tooth can often prevent infections and damage to adjacent teeth and bone, and save pain in the future.

How are Teeth Removed?

Before removing a tooth, the dentist thoroughly review your medical and dental history, and take appropriate radiographs.

X-rays reveal the length, shape, position of tooth and surrounding bone. With this information, your dentist can estimate the degree of difficulty of the procedure and decide if you need a specialist called an oral surgeon.

Before the extraction, it will numb the area around the tooth. It uses a local anesthetic to numb the area where you perform the extraction.

a simple extraction, once the area is anesthetized, the tooth is loosened with the help of an instrument called elevator, then extracted with dental forceps. You may want to flatten and reshape the underlying bone. Once finished, decide whether to close the area with a stitch.

What should I expect after an extraction?

is essential to keep the area clean and prevent infection after tooth extraction. Your dentist will ask you to bite a piece of sterile gauze, which should stand for 30 minutes to reduce bleeding. During the next 24 hours, you should not smoke, rinse thoroughly. Hopefully some degree of pain and discomfort after extraction. The dentist will prescribe a pain reliever. Applying ice to the face during periods of 15 minutes can relieve discomfort. You should also limit strenuous activity and avoid hot liquids. Under normal circumstances, discomfort should lessen within three days and two weeks after the extraction. If you have prolonged or severe pain, swelling, bleeding or fever, call your dentist.

If you need an urgent appointment, contact